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OSHA Representation Services

OSHA Representation

If your company or project has been selected for an onsite OSHA inspection, Trivent Safety Consulting will take immediate action in representing you by demonstrating your efforts of compliance and highlighting all the correct safety measures that have been implemented on the project. Trivent Safety Consulting also provides support towards abatement certification and will negotiate with OSHA in the event a citation has been issued.

What is abatement certification?

Abatement certification is the “affidavit or signed statement” the employer sends to OSHA. Abatement documentation is the “proof of correction” the employer sends to OSHA as evidence that the hazard has been corrected, such as pictures or receipts or work orders. The safety professionals at Trivent Safety Consulting will provide guidance and assistance in identifying and implementing the correct actions that are needed to eliminate any alleged hazard.

Informal Conference Representation

An informal conference will allow a contractor with the opportunity to meet with OSHA’s area director and, if requested, the inspector in an informal setting to discuss the elements of the citation. An administrative law judge does not participate in an informal conference.

The informal conference may result in resolution of the issue. Our safety professionals will represent you through the informal conference process and make every effort to resolve any alleged violations as well as potentially reduce any penalties that might be assessed. With over 20+ years of field experience you’ll be in hands with the safety professionals at Trivent Safety Consulting.