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The 3 Most Common Safety Hazards to Consider in the Construction Industry

construction health safety programs training employers

The Construction industry is probably one of the most dangerous professions of all. Many times, construction experts and builders have to work in high places, use large machinery and work with dangerous products and materials. The following 3 hazard, however, are generally seen as the most problematic of those that construction workers have to be most careful about:


  1. Hazard response, medical first aid and hazard communication: These health and safety training topics essentially make up the bulk of what a construction worker has to do when there’s an accident or some sort of a crisis situation. Failing to respond correctly in these types of conditions can often lead to severe consequences, which may even include life altering injuries and even death.
  2. Fall prevention: Due to the fact that construction workers often have to work in high places, fall prevention is a big part of what they need to learn about safety at the workplace. Some of the specific topics can vary in this regard depending on the type of structure involved and whether it’s meant for residential or commercial construction.
  3. The proper use of vehicles and machines: Because of the size and power of machines such as cranes and forklifts that are commonly used in construction, preventing hazards and observing the correct safety measures when operating these machines should also be one of the top most important safety topics considered in the construction industry.

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